3 August 2011

Flying Sheds

It didn't work.

I promised a picture of the flying shed if people posted comments on the previous blog. There was even the interesting (or so I thought) tattoo related competition which only one person bothered to enter. Alison Bruce suggested, via Twitter, a broken lightbulb on the forehead so I declare her the official winner.

In the spirit of forgiveness, though, I have decided to show you all the flying shed anyway.

Oops, this isn't it. This is a photo of some people in front of their holiday cottage. Sorry.

Ah, that's better. The Flying Shed in all its magnificence.

I will explain the significance of it, how it got like that and what functions it serves.

But not today.

You aren't completely forgiven, apart from Alison, of course.

My newest novel, Due Diligence, has received rave reviews from beta readers, even Mick at the office enjoyed it.

I have appointed an editor, she is busily doing a line edit as I write, and I intend to submit the finished article before the end of August. It's a bit sudden and daunting, but if I don't get something out there soon I'll be too old to enjoy all that wealth and fame.

Next time, I'll update you on the exciting battle between the photovoltaics on my roof and my blog.

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